Saturday, 13 April 2013

Raheelas' Tea Party

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

Yesterday I attended a tea party hosted by my cousin, Raheela. She baked all the food herself, and I was so impressed that I had to blog about it.
Holding gatherings like this from time to time is a great way of maintaining family ties, and also gaining reward by feeding people. There are many Ahadith regarding this, for example:

Abu Hurayra (ra) heard that the Messenger of Allah (saw), say, "Anyone who wants to have his provision expanded and his term of life lengthened should maintain ties of kinship." 

 Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr (ra) said, “A man asked the Prophet (saw), ‘Which (aspect of) Islam is best?’ He responded, ‘Feeding people and greeting (with salam) those you know and those you do not know."

When the guests arrived, they were met with a table laden with many goodies.

But the work had started the day before with lots of shopping.

The dough for the Danish Pastries was rising.

Lemon Cupcakes were baking in the oven ...

... and were being cooled before being iced.

The sponge for the Teapot Cake was being baked.

And, there was Shortbread ready to be baked!

The next day, the weather was typically British.

But, this spread of food soon cheered everybody up.

To start, there was a Salade Nicoise. This was a refreshing salad containing French beans, boiled eggs, tuna and olives among other things.

Next, a Feta and Olive Salad.

As this was a tea party, there had to be a selection of sandwiches, along with Tomato Soup.

Onto the sweets, we started with Danish Pastries. These were flaky and melt-in-the-mouth.

There was buttery Shortbread, and Chocolate and Orange Cookies.

There was a selection of fresh fruit with white chocolate and dark chocolate dipping sauce.

Next, there were Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Icing. These were sweet, light and had a creamy lemon icing.

This was my favourite, the Wimbledon Cake. It was two layers of golden sponge filled with whipped cream and strawberries, and topped with grated chocolate.

The showstopper was definitely the Teapot Cake

It was a lemon cake shaped like a teapot and decorated with icing.

Last but not least, there was tea, of course!

The extra cake and goodies were packaged up for the people who hadn't been able to make it.

May Allah reward all those who baked and who ate, and reunite us again for His sake, soon - ameen!


Spice Enthusiast
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