Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Frozen Berry Avocado Smoothie.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yep, you read correct.
There's an avocado in my smoothie.
Which is odd because me and avocado don't usually get on. Sure, I've featured them in a few old blog recipes but if we're being honest, they're not something that I actually like. That is, until I threw one into my berry smoothie.
Usually, I would go with a frozen banana for that super smooth and creamy texture. But with this berry smoothie, things were already pretty sweet especially because I was adding honey in too. So, in went the avocado.
And guys, it was so good. The avocado has a creamy texture which goes so well with the berries. And, the berries mask any weird avocado taste which I am so not a fan of. One rule though, the avocado must be ripe. The riper, the better.
This smoothie is made with frozen berries which are one of my obsessions. I have an entire box in the freezer filled with so many of them - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and mixed berries. What I love about them is that they keep smoothies cold without the need for any ice. This smoothie is one of my favourites and I hope you like it too.

A Simple List of Ingredients:
1. Frozen Raspberries
2. Frozen Blueberries
3. Frozen Strawberries
4. Honey 
5. Greek Yoghurt
6. Avocado
7. Pure Orange Juice

Bismillah, let's begin!

For this smoothie, I used frozen berries. But you can use fresh too!

If you find that the frozen berries are really hard to blend, let them defrost for a few minutes.

As always, smoothies are the easiest to make. Into a blender, place:
Handful of Frozen Raspberries
Handful of Frozen Blueberries
5 Frozen Strawberries
1 tablespoon Honey
2 tablespoons Greek Yoghurt
1 ripe Avocado, scooped and chopped

Then, pour in as much Pure Orange Juice as you want. The more you add, the looser the smoothie will be.

Once everything is in, let's blend!

Blend the smoothie for a good 2-3 minutes until everything is well combined and smooth.

Look at that colour! It's so pretty!

Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy straight away!

Frozen Berry Avocado Smoothie.

Prep Time: About 5 minutes.
Blend Time: About 2-3 minutes.
Serves: 1 large smoothie or 2 small smoothies.


Handful of Frozen Raspberries
Handful of Frozen Blueberries
5 Frozen Strawberries
1 tablespoon Honey
2 tablespoons Greek Yoghurt
1 ripe Avocado, roughly chopped
Pure Orange Juice, as needed

So easy!
Put everything into a powerful blender and blend for 2-3 minutes. Serve immediately!

You can add as much orange juice as you like. The more you add, the looser the smoothie will be. If you have problems blending the frozen fruit, let the fruit defrost for a few minutes before blending.

{adapted from shutterbean}

This Time One Year Ago:

This Time Two Years Ago:

This Time Three Years Ago:
cinnamon rolls.

This Time Four Years Ago:
key lime pie.

Keep me in your duas please, and enjoy your smoothie!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

Spice Enthusiast
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